During the lip printing activity, we used lipstick to make our own lip prints on an index card. As seen in he picture below, we had to analyze our own prints and label 5 defining characteristics. Then, we were put into groups of 3-6 where we all put our prints onto a single sheet of paper. We then gave the piece of paper with the group's prints and our individual prints to another group. The other group then had to match each individual print to one of the prints on the big piece of paper by analyzing the distinct characteristics of each print and comparing them to the "unknown" prints. 
After the preliminary practice, I have decided that it is not that difficult to identify the distinct characteristics of an individual's lip print, but our exercise was not very realstic. I don't think that it will be ver common to find full, clear lip prints on a crime scene; they will most likely be partial and smudged. Also, the prints would not be found on a white piece of paper; I believe it is most probable to find the prints on the victim.
The lipstick activity was described well and the conclusions deduced in your relfections show critical thinking skills and good forensic analysis. Nice job! I think I need to update my lipstick post to match a style similar to yours.
ReplyDeleteGreat explanation and conclusion. Love the organization of your pictures and text.
ReplyDeleteWow, really good desription of the lab!!! This is a really well organized post.